Volkswagen GIFAway

Creative Direction // Art + Design

An animated GIF contest to win tickets to see German music pioneers Kraftwerk at MoMA. This sought after 8 night chronological 3-D visualization was described by MoMA's program curator Klaus Biesenbach as an experience of “art in the making.”

It received an EX award for Best PR stunt, a Webby for Online Guerilla & Innovation, was placed on the FWA Shortlist, featured in Google's Creative Sandbox, and was a Cannes finalist.

Instead of a traditional ticket giveaway, we engaged fans by enmeshing technology into the act of entering.

On the microsite, fans entered their info and uploaded their ode to Kraftwerk in the form of animated GIFs. The GIFs increased chances of winning and were showcased in an online gallery.

The site drew immediate attention from the FWA's, Agency Spy, Creativity, The New York Times, Contagious Magazine and various music and culture blogs.

The Conversation

Pre-populated tweets carried the conversation through social media.

Our #VWFanTickets spread the word as the VWGIFaway story was featured in over 21 top publications, earned 2.6MM views on Twitter and over 75MM media impressions.

Outdoor Projections

Wall projections transformed New York's corners into presentations of the winning fan GIFs and real time fan tweets.

The Shuttle

To further reinforce Volkswagen as the center of the experience, a fleet of VW Passats shuttled fans between the projections and performances, for a tangible and unforgettable brand and product experience.

One winner recieved the grand prize of being flown in with a guest and put up for their shows.